In case you have made up your mind to visit your gynaecologist for a check-up, it is really amazing.  You have no idea how important it is to talk about your reproductive health and visit a specialist. It is a wonderful step, but there are a few important things to keep in mind before you visit even the best gynecology hospital in Tirupati or in your area. 

Well, you could be a little nervous before you open up with the gynaecologist about your health and issues right? There is nothing to be panicked about. This post is going to get you an idea about certain important things that you should do before your visit.

Don’t schedule the visit during periods/menstruation 

Yes, it is absolutely important, mainly if you have plans to get a pelvic evaluation! It is for the reason that with blood oozing out, your results may not be clear and that is the last thing you really wish. Now in case, your visit is linked to some period problem, then that would be completely different. So, it would be nice if you check with your gynae and then make a move. 

Dodge the practice of douching

This is one practice you must follow otherwise too, appointment or not! Your vaginal discharge could prompt you to douche before your gynae visit but simply don’t. It is for the reason because the discharge can simply help your gynae detect any hormonal imbalance. In case there is a shift in the flora, then the examination may not prove to be effective and useful at all!

Wait for your pelvic region to groom 

Well, it could be something that is sounding odd to you! But just because you simply feel the bush looks unappealing doesn’t mean you need to get a simple bikini wax, before the appointment. Hold off this urge because hair removal could simply trigger inflammation in the area, making it challenging for the gynae to do the examination of your pelvis. Of course, you would not want that you visit the gynaecologist and fail to examine it properly right?

Avoid having sex the night before your visit 

Make sure to remember this specific point for sure, because engaging in sexual intercourse before the pap test is going to yield no results. What it simply means is it is going to make your doctor’s job quite hard! Oh, and do not really use vaginal lubrication products as well. Yes, it could be quite much to be mindful of but dear women, these are the things that you should know and implement. After all, you would want that your gynaecologist visit goes effectively, easily and comfortably. Even if you meet a lady gynaecologist in Tirupati or in your area; you have to be wise about these measures.

Track your menstrual cycle 

It is for this reason that your doctor is going to question you related to your periods, and check about the overall first day of your menstrual cycle. So, it is absolutely better to be prepared. Make sure that you use the calendar, period tracker, or even any other tool, but ensure to track your periods, so that your gynaecologist has all the information!

Have proper lists of questions to ask 

Indeed, there are so many questions that may be floating in your mind right before your appointment, but you do forget to check with your doctor. Happened to everyone, right? It is the reason it is critical to make a note of all of them so that you don’t really miss out on anything during your gynae appointment. It might simply be anything, so don’t feel really embarrassed. Your gynae is definitely not going to judge you!

Remember a gynaecologist is a professional doctor who is going to help you with even the gravest or most awkward issues related to your reproductive system. So, you can open up with her or him. You should not feel nervous because they know much more than you can think of. So, make sure that you have a proper list of questions that you want to ask and make sure that you ask them when in the clinic or hospital. After all, there can be nobody better than a gynae who can assist you with your issues. If you feel embarrassed during your visit, it could be harmful to you only.

STD Testing

The gynecologist is going to ask if you are sexually active and how many sexual partners you’ve actually had. Any female who is sexually active, especially with a new partner, multiple partners, or even a partner who has been diagnosed with an STD, must have an STD test. This tests for both sexually transmitted diseases and even sexually transmitted infections (STI). Though the signs range based on the type of STD or STI, they might include:

  • Painful or itchy bumps on your genitals
  • Infrequent vaginal discharge
  • Discharge has a strange smell
  • Pain during the time of intercourse
  • A heavy or otherwise unusual type of bleeding

Having an STD/STI panel is critical because some of these diseases present without any sort of symptoms in women. Your doctor can simply test for all conditions and even let you know the outcomes within a couple of days or less.

Just Relax 

No woman should ever feel uneasy or embarrassed about a gynecology appointment. Most young women have their foremost appointments during the early stages of their puberty when they are thirteen to even fifteen years of age. Both younger women, as well as older women who experience anxiety before and during the doctors’ visits, must definitely consider taking steps to relax before they visit the gynae. You can simply try listening to music or bringing a book with you. This is something that gives you time to read and even relax before your exam. Most doctors are there who allow patients to bring loved ones with them. Though they should definitely stay in the waiting room during the exam, they may simply provide some support. The point is whatever you feel can help you stay relaxed, do that. You don’t have to be tensed or worried about anything at all.


To sum up, go for your gynecologist appointment confidently since you know all these things now.

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